Hapkido students at Be Ryong did a demo during yesterday’s Open House. This was the largest group of students to do a demo since we can remember! Watch the video to see some amazing techniques, including Jess breaking a cinder block with his elbow, Chris and Dave throwing each other around, and some white and orange belts demonstrating arm-breaking techniques.. Thanks to everyone who participated this year!
Yearly Archives: 2018
Free TaeKwonDo and HapKiDo Classes on Friday, October 5, 2018
As part of the Open House celebrations, all classes at Be Ryong on Friday, October 5, 2018 will be free and open to the public. Here’s what you need to know:
- All classes, all day, open to the public for free.
- No need to register. Just come 10 minutes before the class starts and check in with Master Yun.
- Wear comfortable you can move in. You will be barefoot on the mat.
- There will TaeKwonDo classes at 4:30pm (kids), 5:15pm (kids and teens), and 6:00pm (kids, teens, adults).
- There will be a HapKiDo class at 6:45pm.
If you or your child is even a little bit interested in the martial arts, this is your chance to experience a real class, meet Master Yun, talk to some instructors, and meet other students.
So come on down on Friday, October 5!

Be Ryong Open House Coming up on Saturday, October 6
Be Ryong will hold its annual Open House on Friday, October 5 and Saturday, October 6. This is a great chance to explore the martial arts, talk to students and parents, and see some amazing demonstrations. Here’s the schedule:
Friday, October 5, 2018
- All classes, all day, open to the public for free.
- No need to register. Just come 10 minutes before the class starts and check in with Master Yun.
- Wear comfortable you can move in. You will be barefoot on the mat.
- There will TaeKwonDo classes at 4:30pm, 5:15pm, and 6:00pm.
- There will be a HapKiDo class at 6:45pm.
Saturday, October 6, 2018
- 10:00 – 11:00am – Free trial lessons.
- 11:00 – 11:30am – Demonstration by HapKiDo students. There will be techniques, self-defense and breaking.
- 11:30am – 12noon – Student demonstration.
- 12noon – 12:30pm – Performance by the Be Ryong demo team. There will be forms, breaking and self-defense.
This event is free and open to the public. Bring the whole family! Be Ryong is located at 218 W. Glebe Road, Alexandria, VA. The studio is located on the corner of Mount Vernon and W. Glebe, in the same shopping complex as the Food Star grocery store. There is plenty of free parking!
See you at the Open House!
James Thompson is First Third Degree Black Belt at Be Ryong
Master Yun awarded a third degree black belt in Hapkido to James Thompson during a belt ceremony on June 9.
James is the first student at Be Ryong to receive a third degree black belt. This is quite the accomplishment. James has been a student at Be Ryong for over ten years. For his belt test, James had to execute all the techniques, kicks and jumps from the first and second degree curricula, over a thousand push-ups and sit-ups, fight against (yusul) against four black belts, and break 2 concrete blocks with his bare hand. To say the test was grueling is an understatement.
In addition to being a student at Be Ryong, James is a HapKiDo instructor at Be Ryong. He is also a second degree black belt in Taekwondo.
Congratulations to James!
Come Run the Crystal City 5K on April 6 with Be Ryong
We include basic unarmed defense against a variety of attacks in the Be Ryong curriculum (especially HapKiDo), but let’s face it: if you have the chance to run, that’s your best option. Join us while we practice this valuable skill at the Crystal City 5K on Friday, April 6 at 6:00 PM. Register now!
This is the Friday in April during which taekwondo belt testing is going on at the dojang, so you won’t even miss a class!
If you have any questions about logistics or even just want some advice about preparing for running in general, feel free to ask Chris or Laura Murray, our resident running enthusiasts.
We hope to see you there! Register now!
Be Ryong Offering Women’s Self-Defense Courses | Alexandria, Arlington
At the request of many students, Master Yun has decided to offer women’s self-defense classes! The classes will teach women and girls the basics of disarming an attacker and getting away; getting away from wrist grabs; and the basics of pressure points. These will NOT be martial arts classes; these will be down and dirty moves for protecting yourself.
The classes will be held:
Saturday, January 27
Saturday, February 24
Saturday, March 17
1-2pm + short discussion afterward
Classes will be held at Be Ryong Martial Arts at 218 W. Glebe Road, Alexandria, VA. Classes are $20 per class, per person. There will be overlap between classes but if you want to deepen your knowledge of techniques, sign up for multiple classes!
These classes are appropriate for women and teenage girls. Don’t be a victim!
Looking for Photos? Check out the Be Ryong Flickr Page!
Did you know that Be Ryong has a Flickr page? We use it to post photos and videos from belt tests, belt ceremonies and special events.
You can download images in different resolutions, watch videos, enjoy the photos in a slideshow, and much more!
Check out the Be Ryong Flickr Albums.